Support & Training

Businesses that are innovating and doing things differently are more likely to expand and grow. Specialist support brings added confidence to this process, making it all the more productive and effective by converting this knowledge into commercial reality and ultimately increased success.

Hartnett Acceleration Centre has a number of support programmes in place for business innovation and growth, including Crafting Business, Start To Innovate, Leading Through Sales,  New Frontiers Programme & Start In Ireland which embeds a proven, reliable and repeatable innovation model into the organisation. Rethinking your products and services can greatly change your commercial path, but innovation and product development requires specialist skills and technology, from within your company and from external supports – resources that can be limited in small companies. 
Our Support  Programmes can provide financial support for the specialist expertise your business needs and can help you access that expertise. 

Crafting Business

Crafting Business is a professional practice training programme which aims to share expertise and knowledge to support the business development of newcomers to the industry. Crafting Business focuses on building business skills, generating revenue, and supporting marketing and promotion in micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It will encourage access to national and international markets, and establish a platform for information sharing, networking and peer-to-peer learning.  

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Start To Innovate

Start to Innovate is an immersive learning experience enabling participants to learn: Ideation strategies including Design Thinking and Design Sprints. How to test a business idea working through: developing hypothesis, designing, validating and running effective experiments to test your assumptions, business model canvas, the value proposition canvas and how to effectively analyse your industry and competitors. The programme will also cover funding of innovation and the value of IP generation.

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Leading Through Sales

As we change how we operate and engage with customers, sales processes and strategies have been profoundly impacted following the Covid Pandemic. This programme supports entrepreneurs and their teams as they work at updating their sales process and strategies which will enable them to leverage opportunities and grow. 

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